Sofosbuvir and ribavirin therapy for children aged 3 to <12 years with hepatitis C virus genotype 2 or 3 infection

- Rosenthal, Philip; Schwarz, Kathleen B.; Brainard, Diana M.; Hsueh, Chia-Hsiang; Shao, Jiang; Parhy, Bandita; Davison, Suzanne; Feiterna-Sperling, Cornelia; Gillis, Lynette A.; Indolfi, Giuseppe; Sokal, Etienne M.; Murray, Karen F.; Gonzalez-Peralta, Regino P.; Wirth, Stefan; Lin, Chuan-Hao; Kelly, Deidre A.; Nightingale, Scott; Balistreri, William F.; Bansal, Sanjay; Jonas, Maureen M.; Massetto, Benedetta